[Seth-Trips] LP/Green Party gov. candidates debate, April 13 ([dan@spaz.org: [ucb-libertarian] FW: [ba-liberty] Libertarian-Green Debate in S.F. - Saturday April 13])

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Wed Mar 6 01:07:17 PST 2002

This sounds interesting to me.  I have a lot of friends who are
enthusiastic about one of these "third parties" or another.

----- Forwarded message from Daniel <dan at spaz.org> -----

To: ucb-libertarian at yahoogroups.com
From: Daniel <dan at spaz.org>
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 15:41:22 -0800
Subject: [ucb-libertarian] FW: [ba-liberty] Libertarian-Green Debate in
    S.F. - Saturday April 13

-----Original Message-----
From: Starchild [mailto:sfdreamer at earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 11:49 PM
To: *Friends*
Subject: [ba-liberty] Libertarian-Green Debate in S.F. - Saturday April 13

Dear freedom lovers,

      The Green Party's Camejo for Governor campaign has agreed to the
new date of Saturday, April 13 for a San Francisco debate between Gary
Copeland and Peter Camejo, so we are on. Mark your calendar!

      More information will be posted as a venue is selected and details
are arranged. The Copeland-Camejo gubernatorial debates in Orange County
and San Diego each drew between 100 and 200 people, and we will be planning
for that kind of turnout.

      Please contact me if you have ideas to make this a more exciting
event or are able to help with publicity, staffing, or give other
assistance. I can be reached at (415) 626-3036 as well as by email.

Yours in liberty,
                        <<< Starchild >>>
            Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco

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Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn Myronuk
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |

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