[Seth-Trips] Daniel Ellsberg at Zellerbach, Oct. 23 [DJTheroux@independent.org: YOU'RE INVITED: Daniel Ellsberg on "Secrecy, Freedom and Empire: Lessons for Today from Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers," 10/23/02]

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Sun Oct 6 19:42:11 PDT 2002

So, although the event with Daniel Ellsberg which I originally
announced here was cancelled, you can still hear Daniel Ellsberg
in Berkeley this month!  But now you have to pay ($18 general

----- Forwarded message from "David J. Theroux" <DJTheroux at independent.org> -----

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 20:25:17 -0700
To: schoen at loyalty.org (Mr. Seth Schoen)
From: "David J. Theroux" <DJTheroux at independent.org>
Subject: YOU'RE INVITED: Daniel Ellsberg on "Secrecy, Freedom and Empire: Lessons for Today from Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers," 10/23/02

Dear Mr. Schoen:

Over thirty years ago, during the Vietnam War, one man, DANIEL
ELLSBERG, changed the course of history. His release of the secret
Pentagon Papers set in motion a chain of events that included a
landmark Supreme Court decision, the arrest and trial of Dr.
Ellsberg, the crimes of Watergate, and the end of the Nixon
presidency and the Vietnam War.

As the U.S. pursues the current "War on Terrorism" including a
possible war in Iraq and elsewhere, Ellsberg's insights into
governmental intoxication with power could not be more timely or

As a result, the Independent Institute is pleased to announce that
Daniel Ellsberg will be the featured speaker at the next Independent
Policy Forum, "Secrecy, Freedom and Empire: Lessons for Today from
Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers," on Wednesday, October 23rd, at the
Zellerbach Auditorium, in Berkeley, California.

Joining Dr. Ellsberg will be a panel of distinguished scholars:
Barton Bernstein, Edwin Firmage and David Henderson.

This is a most timely and historic event that you won't want to miss.
For your convenience, I have included further details below.

Because seating is limited, please make your reservations as soon as
possible.  For further information, please contact me or the
Institute's Events Coordinator, Ms. Nichelle Beardsley, at
510-632-1366 x118 (NBeardsley at independent.org).

We hope to see you on October 23rd.


David J. Theroux
Founder and President
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 95621-1428
510-632-1366 Phone
510-568-6040 Fax
Dtheroux at independent.org


The Independent Institute Presents:

An Evening with DANIEL ELLSBERG (please see bio below*)

"SECRECY, FREEDOM AND EMPIRE: Lessons for Today from Vietnam and the
Pentagon Papers"
October 23, 2002

Co-sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Northern California
and the Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy, University
of California, Berkeley

Daniel Ellsberg began his Vietnam-era career as a U.S. Marine company
commander, a Pentagon official, and a staunch supporter of U.S.
global interventionism. But, in October 1969, Ellsberg--fully
expecting to spend the rest of his life in prison--smuggled out of
his office and made public a seven-thousand-page top secret study of
decision-making in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers.  At this upcoming
Independent Policy Forum, Ellsberg will tell the story of his
becoming the most important whistle-blower of the last fifty years,
risking his career and his freedom to expose the deceptions and
delusions of U.S. leaders from Truman onward.

Based on his new book, SECRETS, Ellsberg will provide an insider's
view of the secrets and lies that have shaped decades of U.S. foreign
policy to the present. His exposure began on his first day at the
Pentagon, August 4, 1964, which was also the day of the infamous Gulf
of Tonkin incident. In time, the more he learned from top
decision-makers, confidential documents, and reports of secret
maneuvers, the more skeptical he became about the conduct and impact
of U.S. foreign policies.

The release of the Pentagon Papers set in motion a chain of events
that included a landmark Supreme Court decision, the arrest and trial
of Ellsberg, the crimes of Watergate, and the end of the Nixon
presidency and the Vietnam War.

As the U.S. pursues the current War on Terrorism, Ellsberg's insights
into governmental intoxication with power could not be more timely or


  -- DANIEL ELLSBERG is the world-renowned, former Pentagon official
and whistle-blower who made headlines around the world in 1971 when
he released the Pentagon Papers at the height of the Vietnam War. In
addition to his widely acclaimed, new book, SECRETS, he is the author


  -- BARTON J. BERNSTEIN is Professor of History at Stanford
University; author of THE TRUMAN ADMINISTRATION: A Documentary
History; and editor of TOWARDS A NEW PAST: Dissenting Essays in
and TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICA: Recent Interpretations.

  --  EDWIN B. FIRMAGE is Samuel D. Thurman Professor of Law at the
University of Utah; co-author of TO CHAIN THE DOG OF WAR: The War
Power of Congress in History and Law; and co-editor of THE
Islamic Perspectives.

  -- DAVID R. HENDERSON is Professor of Economics at the Naval
Postgraduate School; author of THE JOY OF FREEDOM: An Economist's

     Wednesday, October 23, 2002
     Program: 8:00 PM (doors open at 7:00 PM)
     Author book signing after program

     Zellerbach Auditorium
     Bancroft Way & Telegraph Avenue
     Berkeley, California
     For a map and directions, see

     $18 per person ($14 for Independent Institute and World Affairs
Council Members, $10 for students with I.D.)

    Ms. Nichelle Beardsley, Events Coordinator
    The Independent Institute
    100 Swan Way
    Oakland, CA 94621-1428
    510-632-1366 x118 Phone
    510-568-6040 Fax
    DanielEllsberg at independent.org

Praise for Daniel Ellsberg and his new book, SECRETS:

"In Secrets, Daniel Ellsberg not only shows he is a brilliant policy
analyst, but he has written with breathtaking excitement of how he
released the top secret Pentagon Papers, which electrified the nation
by exposing the official lies, fantasies, and tragedies of our war in
    -- BEN H. BAGDIKIAN, former Assist. Managing Editor, Washington Post

"A riveting inside account . . . a chilling tale of life at the
bureaucratic top, and what profound compromises it takes to stay
    -- SEYMOUR HERSH, Pulitzer Prize Winner

"Daniel Ellsberg demonstrated enormous courage during a difficult and
turbulent time . . ., courage which undoubtedly saved American lives
. . . and helped to hold politicians accountable for mistakes they
refused to admit."

"This is an honestly and lucidly told narrative by someone who
single-handedly changed the course of history. Its message of the
menace of secrets rings true today."
    -- DANIEL SCHORR, Senior News Analyst, National Public Radio

"Secrecy is the greatest threat to democracy. It masks the
accountability of government officialdom. . . . Ellsberg reveals the
immorality of past leadership. Little has changed since."

"Daniel Ellsberg takes us back to a time and place in our recent
history when a single courageous act was imperative for
democracy-government by the people, for the people-to exist. The most
important expos? of Washington since the Pentagon Papers themselves,
Secrets is essential reading for any American who wants to understand
true patriotism."
    -- MARTIN SHEEN, Actor and Activist

"Makes a remarkable and riveting story that still shocks 30 years
later. . . . Ellsberg creates page-turning human drama and suspense.
. . . Ellsberg raises serious ethical questions about how citizens,
politicians, the press and officials act when confronted with
government actions they consider immoral and perhaps illegal."

"Secrets is a well-crafted, windmill-tilting autobiography by the
famed cold warrior turned antiwar activist. . . . When portions of
the so-called Pentagon Papers were released by the New York Times and
other publications, he [Ellsberg] writes, sitting president Richard
Nixon at first seemed happy to have support for his don't-blame-me
argument, then worried that secret documents from his own
administration would be leaked to the media-which, Ellsberg writes,
set in motion the chain of spying that ended in the Watergate affair
and Nixon's resignation. Throughout, Ellsberg is convinced of the
justice of his cause-as will be many of his readers, on seeing the
evidence amassed here of the criminality of our recent politics.
Thoughtful, full of righteous indignation-rightly so-and likely to be
of great interest to students of the Vietnam War and domestic
resistance thereto."

"If our nation could absorb its lessons we might all face a better future."
    -- HOWARD ZINN, Professor of Political Science, Boston University

*In 1971, DANIEL ELLSBERG made headlines around the world when he
released the Pentagon Papers through the New York Times and
Washington Post. A native of Detroit, he earlier graduated from
Harvard University, served as a company commander in the U.S. Marine
Corps for two years, and then returned to Harvard to complete his
doctoral degree in economics. In 1959, he joined the RAND
corporation's Economics Department as an analyst, and in 1964 he was
recruited to serve in the Pentagon under Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara during the Johnson Administration. Following a two-year
stint in Vietnam for the State Department, Dr. Ellsberg eventually
returned to RAND. In 1973, during the Watergate scandal, John
Ehrlichman and G. Gordon Liddy were indicted along with two White
House officials in connection with the burglary in 1971 of the office
of Dr. Ellsberg's psychiatrist. In addition to his new book, SECRETS,
he is the author of RISK, AMBIGUITY AND DECISION, and his scholarly
articles have appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Economics,
Economic Journal, and American Economic Review.

For more information about this event, see


----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn Myronuk
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |

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