[Seth-Trips] [cmsclaud@arches.uga.edu: [buug] [CalLUG-announce] Lunch w/RMS, Tues Oct 22, 373 Soda Hall]]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Fri Oct 18 22:35:32 PDT 2002

I will probably send my response to this one.

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You are invited to chat with GNU founder Richard Stallman at lunch
hosted by EECS. 
When: Oct 22 - 12 noon to 1:30 pm
Where: 373 Soda Hall

This is a tight space so pls. RSVP to layney at eecs for food count etc
(with same subject line please! :) 
You will not receive a confirmation reply  - just attend unless you
hear otherwise. Thanks!

Some reading recommended by GNU folks:

Best Regards,
Erica Layne

Erica Layne Morrison  
Manager, Department Development
Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley 
231 Cory Hall 1770            
Berkeley, CA 94720 
Phone: 510.642.3051
Fax. 510.642.2845
layney at eecs.berkeley.edu

Callug-announce mailing list
Callug-announce at callug.cs.berkeley.edu

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Buug mailing list
Buug at weak.org

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A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

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