[Seth-Trips] Daniel Ellsberg

Ben Hartshorne ben-sethtrips at hartshorne.net
Thu Oct 24 00:32:13 PDT 2002

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 05:09:14PM -0700, Ben Hartshorne wrote:
> Ok, I tried to announce him speaking before, but it was cancelled.  This
> one's for sure.  Daniel Ellsberg will be speaking tonight at Zellerbach
> Hall on the Berkeley campus.  $10 students, $18 general, $14 with some
> strange affiliation with some world something organization.  :)  8pm
> Sethcode: aT  (is this right?)
> Location: Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley Campus.  Bancroft & Telegraph, then
> west some.
> Time: Tonight (Oct 23) 8pm

It was fabulous!  Really astounding how powerful some people can be.
There were a number of other speakers in addition to Dan Ellsberg, but
he was definately the best.  

I encourage you all to buy his book "Secrets," as it is as relevent
today as it was in 1964, as we were approaching the Vietnam war.  The
first chapter and a few pages from the fourth (he wanted to put the
whole thing online, then the 1st, 3rd, and 4th chapters, but finally his
publisher would only let him put up the 1st and excerpts from the 4th)
are online at ellsberg.net.  

Other websites recommended from this event
www.independant.org (the organizers).

A full transcript should be available on the independant website within
a week.

And working in something of another trip announcement, all are
encouraged to attend the rally and march this saturday, 11am at Justin
Herman Plaza (is that right?)


Ben Hartshorne     benAThartshorneDOTnet     http://ben.hartshorne.net
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