[Seth-Trips] Car Free Party Fri. 9/20, Car Free Day Fri. 9/27

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Sep 16 00:42:34 PDT 2002

----- Forwarded message from Andrew Sullivan <andrew at sulli.org> -----

Dear Rescue Muni Member:

Two announcements on car-free events!

Car-Free Party 9/20/02 (Friday)
9/13/02: Rescue Muni members (and others!) are invited to the first
annual CAR-FREE PARTY, on Friday, September 20, from 6:30-10:30 pm, at
26 Mix (3024 Mission at 26th St) in San Francisco. Great music, drink
specials, snacks, raffle prizes, and great people! Celebrate San
Francisco's first Car-Free Day, scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27, and
San Francisco's transit-first policy! Take BART to 24th St or Muni's
14-Mission or 48-24 St lines, or ride your bike. (Car parking NOT

Rescue Muni members get in free!  Cover for all others is $5 (but if
you join RM or renew your membership, it's paid for by your

Car-Free Day 9/27/02
9/13/02: San Francisco's first CAR-FREE DAY will be on Friday,
September 27, at 11 a.m. on Montgomery Street downtown, which will be
pedestrian-only for two hours. Rescue Muni is planning to participate
in this event.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!  We will be looking for VOLUNTEERS to recruit
members at both events.  If you'd like to help us hand out fliers and
sign up new people to help us Rescue Muni, please send email to
volunteer at rescuemuni.org.

Thanks -

Andrew Sullivan
Chair, Rescue Muni Steering Committee

----- End forwarded message -----

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