[Seth-Trips] Free speech in Berkeley, Oct. 1

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Fri Sep 27 16:59:27 PDT 2002

(I don't think I'll make it, but that's pretty neat.)

----- Forwarded message from Anthony Gregory <anthony1791 at yahoo.com> -----


Also, next Tuesday (Oct 1st) there will be an event
celebrating the 38th anniversary of the free speech
sit-in Cal, taking place on Sproul from 12-1. I will
be speaking about the libertarian view on government
within the same time slot as the Left Party. Other
interesting combinations will include the pairing of
the Student Justice in Palestine with the Israeli
Action Committee and Victory Campus Ministries with
Students for a Nonreligious Ethos. The idea is that
conflicting groups can celebrate free speech together.


----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn Myronuk
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |

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