[Seth-Trips] Pattern @ Slim's, SF, October 7th

Zack Weinberg zack at codesourcery.com
Wed Sep 25 18:22:09 PDT 2002

The Pattern[1] are a 'neo-punk' rock band recently profiled in the
SF Weekly[2] -- "This Band Should Be Your Life."  I've downloaded
their MP3s, I like what I hear; they're playing Slim's[3] (333 11th St,
just off Folsom) on October 7th.  Anyone interested?


[1] http://www.the-pattern.org/
[2] http://www.sfweekly.com/issues/2002-09-18/feature.html/2/index.html
[3] http://www.slims-sf.com/

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