[Seth-Trips] Edward Tufte, Stanford, December 8, Free

Riana Pfefferkorn riana at whitties.org
Thu Dec 2 13:11:38 PST 2004

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Ren Bucholz wrote:

> Aaron was kind enough to point out that this lecture is at CalTech.  
> Driving to Pasadena would be an epic trip for a free lecture:)

You could also visit the Huntington Library, a stone's throw from Caltech 
in San Marino:


The botanical gardens (including the new Children's Garden) will probably 
be fairly plain at the moment, but the 
Huntington's permanent collection on display is a treat: it features 
Shakespeare first folios and the Ellesmere MS of The Canterbury Tales, 
among other delights. The current exhibits might be to your liking as 
well. The buildings and grounds are beautiful even in winter.


riana pfefferkorn - riana at whitties.org

"The royal 'we' does not attend meetings" - Shanna

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