[Seth-Trips] Stanford Seminar series: Toward a Literacy of Cooperation

Aaron Swartz aaronsw at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 09:44:48 PST 2004

Howard Rheingold (Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution) is bringing
his friends to a weekly lecture series at Stanford. Stanford students
may take it as a class, but others may be interested in attending.

Speakers include:

 * Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia
 * Ross Mayfield, SocialText wiki
 * Zack Rosen, Dean campaign software

The course is about cooperative strategies and social dilemmas.

The class is Wednesday from 4:15 pm to 5:45 pm at Wallenberg Hall
(Bldg 160), Room 127.

Details: http://shl.stanford.edu/hum202.html

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