[Seth-Trips] Under the hood of BitTorrent

Riana Pfefferkorn riana at whitties.org
Thu Feb 10 13:14:04 PST 2005

                  4:15PM, Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005
        NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03

Topic:    Under the hood of BitTorrent

Speaker:  Bram Cohen

About the talk:

BitTorrent has lately become a topic of widespread acadamic
study. Most such study has viewed BitTorrent as a black box, with
most its internal functionality taken for granted. While such
studies can generally confirm that BitTorrent performs well, they
can do very little to indicate possible improvements. This talk
will go into several of the nontrivial processes which happen in
BitTorrent peers, and discuss continuing problems, possible new
approaches, and quantitative methods of study.

About the speaker:

Bram Cohen is a non-academic college dropout with extensive
experience working in the coding-intensive but non-rigorous world
of software startups. His one significant academic claim to fame
is being the author of BitTorrent, a project which he started,
unemployeed, in summer 2001. While not coming from an academic
background, BitTorrent represents an important innovation in the
field of reliable systems, as well as being notable simple

Contact information:

Bram Cohen
227 Bellevue Way NE Suite 152
Bellevue, WA 98004
bram at bitconjurer.org[2]

Embedded Links:
[ 1 ]    http://ee380.stanford.edu
[ 2 ]    mailto:bram at bitconjurer.org

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