[Seth-Trips] Monterey Bay Aquarium, this weekend

Riana Pfefferkorn riana at whitties.org
Mon Jun 20 16:58:16 PDT 2005

I got a free ticket to the Monterey Bay Aquarium when I visited a few 
months ago, valid during the month of June only. This weekend is the last 
weekend in June, so I'd better use my ticket!

The current exhibits of sharks and jellyfish are well worth seeing, as are 
the permanent exhibits. The Aquarium is located in Monterey's historic 
Cannery Row area.

Would anyone like to go to the aquarium this weekend? (Caveat: my car may 
be in the shop, but probably won't be. If it is, someone else would have 
to volunteer their vehicle.)

The Aquarium is open from 10 to 6 every day.


riana pfefferkorn - riana at whitties.org

Thaes ofereode, thisses swa maeg

- Deor


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