[Seth-Trips] Paul Graham, Xerox PARC, Tomorrow

Jim Pick jim at jimpick.com
Tue May 3 15:27:50 PDT 2005

Aaron Swartz wrote:
> How To Sell A Startup
> Most people who start startups do it to get rich, and the most common
> way to get rich from a startup is to sell it. Investors call this an
> "exit strategy," and they won't even consider a company that doesn't
> have a fairly clear one. In this case the founders and investors'
> interests are aligned: you should be thinking about exit strategies
> before you even start a company. In this talk I'll describe the kinds
> of ideas that yield buyable startups, the different stages at which
> you can sell a startup, and what you should do (and not do) to make it
> happen at each stage.
> Speaker Bio: Paul Graham
> Paul Graham is the guy who gave me money to start a startup.
> http://paulgraham.com/
> PARC-George E. Pake Auditorium
> 3333 Coyote Hill Road
> Palo Alto, CA
> Agenda
> 6:00-7:00pm Registration/Networking & Light Snacks
> 7:00-8:30pm Program
> $15 SDForum and Co-Hosting Organization
> $25 Non-members 
> $10 Students - to register call SDForum 408-494-8378
> You must provide a vaild student ID
> *at the door add $5 to member and non-member prices
> http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1676&mo=5&yr=2005
> I will be there, although it looks like quite a bit of a bike ride, so
> if someone else from Stanford is going, let me know.

That looks interesting.  I'll be working in downtown Palo Alto on 
Wednesday, and I have a car, so I can pick you up at Stanford if you'd 


  - Jim

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