[Seth-Trips] HD-PVR Build-in, May 21

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Tue May 10 16:56:38 PDT 2005

The build-in is still on -- now it's a matter not of beating the
broadcast flag, but of celebrating beating the broadcast flag.



    * When: Saturday, May 21, 2005 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    * Where: EFF offices, 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco (Google
    * RSVP: buildyourtv at eff.org, 415.436.9333x125 (please let us know
    if you're coming so we can get the pizza count right)
    * How: Bring your own computer and HD tuner card (3 GHz Pentium 4
      recommended. Recommended configurations posted here.)

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | being programmed by others.
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |     -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
                                       |        464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)

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