[Seth-Trips] Vintage Computer Festival and SuperHappyDevHouse Hackathon

Dorien Zandbergen dorien at xs4all.nl
Fri Nov 4 17:24:11 PST 2005

Hi all, I am planning on going to the VCF tomorrow morning, with the 
8 AM train from the San Francisco Caltrain (Townsend) stop. Too early 
for a Saturday of course, but talks start at 10 and this train 
arrives in Mountain View at 9:14. I will bring my bike in the train 
and will cycle to the Museum. Does anybody feel like joining me?


At 1:29 PM -0800 11/4/05, Fyodor wrote:
>Those of you into computer history should enjoy the Vintage Computer
>Festival this weekend at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View:
>I learned a lot and experienced warm nostalgic fuzzies for hours at a
>time at the festival last year!  The museum exhibits are impressive in
>their own right, and they also have an expo, speakers, etc.  There is
>a Homebrew Computer Club Retrospective, Nerd Trivial Challenge,
>demonstration of a newly restored PDP-1, and various geek documentary
>film screenings.
>If you find yourself still in the Penninsula area after dark Saturday
>night, you may also enjoy SuperHappyDevHouse 5, a hackathon lasting
>from 7PM to 7AM:
>It is in part organized by fellow Seth-tripper David Weekly.
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>Seth-Trips at zork.net

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