[Seth-Trips] Cena Latina, Dec. 3, Berkeley [jpatpiazza@yahoo.com: Cena Proxima. III Dec. Berkleiae]

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Tue Nov 8 19:34:14 PST 2005

Here's news of the next Cena Latina!

----- Forwarded message from John Piazza <jpatpiazza at yahoo.com> -----

Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 18:13:55 -0800
Subject: Cena Proxima. III Dec. Berkleiae
From: John Piazza <jpatpiazza at yahoo.com>

Volumus iterum convenire et cenare Latine. Proposuimus diem III mensis
Decembris, id est Dies Saturnii, hora quinta et dimidia postmeridiana, apud
tabernam Iovis Berkleiae. Da quaeso nuntium, ut sciamus quot mensae
capiendae sint. Vide paginam cenae:


We want to come together again, and dine in Latin. We have proposed the 3rd
of December, a Saturday, at 5:30 PM, at the Jupiter pub in Berkeley (very
close to BART). Please RSVP, so we know how many tables to claim. For more
info and directions, see my Cena page:




----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | This is a new focus for the security
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     | [...] is the enemy.
                                       |          -- David Aucsmith, IDF 1999

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