[Seth-Trips] 2/11 -- Nerd Salon's Inaugural Event

Annalee Newitz brainsploitation at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 21:01:56 PST 2006

Geeks (Mashups + CodeCon) = NerdSalon

Join your hosts Jennifer Granick and Annalee Newitz
for the inaugural NerdSalon event, held in honor of
local hacker convention CodeCon (www.codecon.org).

Just this once, nerds get to be VIPs at a nightclub.
On Feb. 11, come to Bootie (www.bootiesf.com), San
Francisco's only all-mashup nightclub, and give the
password "nerdsalon" at the door to get in for 5
bucks, get a free mashup CD, and head to the VIP back
room (where you can actually hear yourself speak, if
you want to). NerdSalon will be from 10 PM - 2 AM.
Drink and dance with hackers, geeks, nerds, and wonks,
along with those who love them and help them stay out
of jail.

More details: www.nerdsalon.com

Bring friends! Hope to see you there!

Annalee Newitz
tech * pop * sex

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