Message Of The Day

Fri, 21 Feb 2003

01:50 [zork(~/nick/scheme)] cat scheme.txt

So I have been heavy sick-on into scheme lately.

It's an obsession.

Over the weekend I read Paul Graham's treaties on the social order of adolescent nerds. I started bouncing through his site some more, and reading the history of T and the magic of macros and so on and so forth. It must have struck a scheme funnybone or something, because I picked up my copy of SICP and started reading.

Now I'm in the middle of chapter two (there are only five chapters), and I've already read through chapter ten of TLS a long time ago. I grok Y, but never really got around to building any real apps in scheme.

I realized that I had MIT-Scheme already installed on zork, and started fiddling in edwin. It's almost enough to make me start using EMACS.

So now I have a project in mind: integrate libguile into nwall. This way people can write scheme scripts to add features to nwall.

I also want to start a reading club for fledgeling hackers, but that's another story, and I have to BART off to an evening class now.

[zork(~)] cal
[zork(~)] tree
[zork(~)] cat README