Message Of The Day

Thu, 27 Nov 2003

05:18 [zork(~)] cat ha-ha-wikitravel.txt

Ha ha Wikitravel.

So I'm sitting here watching E wrestle with wikitravel, trying to enter in her own travel story about Krakow. Here's what happens when you think you want to add something to wikitravel:

You start looking for an existing page, and only see big scary CIA documents or big templates with huge requirements and a rigid structure. If you aren't completely scared off at this point, you might notice the Plunge Forward advice, and let that steel your confidence. Maybe you read the Stub Articles page again, and decide to forego the stuffy template this time.

So basically I told E to go to the Poland page, edit the URL, and then "edit this page" from the empty Krakow page. By this time she was super ready to just close the browser and do something more interesting. Now she's busy wrestling with the crack-addled wiki markup (quotation marks for emphasis! Welcome to "the Internet" of hand-lettered business signs!).

It sounds like it's basically all about Mister Bad being unemployed and doing nothing but edit wikitravel articles all day.

[zork(~)] cal
[zork(~)] tree
[zork(~)] cat README