[CrackMonkey] [kevin.white@watchguard.com: RE: DNS]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Feb 1 12:35:55 PST 2000

	Ha!  Too little too late.  I'm gunna ADD watchguard to ALL my
zones now!  GAR!

	Look for the special thanks to watchguard technologies (for
helping us with the JavaScript on our pages), complete with logo.

----- Kevin White <kevin.white at watchguard.com> -----
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)

The issue can, indeed, be resolved by phoning the Internic.

However, in the interest of resolving this immediately and
permanently, I am willing to consider routing DNS again; just long
enough for a message to get out to the Internic.  This means a
replacement DNS host must be lined up before I can authorize the

Mail me the required MX record and then notify me when the details are
in order.

----- End forwarded message -----

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