[CrackMonkey] Choose Your Irony

Deirdre Saoirse deirdre at deirdre.net
Tue Feb 8 14:17:19 PST 2000

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Monkey Master wrote:

> You spent your life in Orange County and never learned to
> properly appreciate San Francisco.

What's there to appreciate about homeless everywhere?
What's there to appreciate about Willie Brown?

> You spent your whole time here whining about how cold it was, how far
> everybody walked, etc etc etc.
> I thought you were from VERMONT.  I thought you UNDERSTOOD COLD.

Gee, I spent my life in OC but I was from Vermont?

> So fine, go back to your armored cars and your air-conditioned
> pods.  Go back to your fluorescent lighting and six-figure paychecks.
> You're still too far from anything to enjoy life.

Yeah, and you'll never be ABLE to find a job or have a real relationship
because you won't even fucking ride a bicycle anywhere. You're limited to
where the cattle cars^W^Wcaltrain goes. Or where you can walk to from that

> So spend the rest of your life in a rocking chair.  Just don't
> keep posting the obvious on this list.  I'm not jealous of your life,
> I just want to keep useless noise off this list.  I did it first by
> weeding out the Microsoft users.  Must I now weed out PINE users?

Go for it.

> > You've missed so many, what with the job stress and all.
> Now you're just making shit up to cover your ass.  It's not
> going to make your point.

No, you made it for me. :)

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.net   *   http://www.deirdre.net
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