[CrackMonkey] Choose Your Irony

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Tue Feb 8 14:26:28 PST 2000

begin  Deirdre Schmeirdre quotation:
> What's there to appreciate about homeless everywhere?
> What's there to appreciate about Willie Brown?

	Is that all you ever saw here?  You are truly more blind than
I thought.

> Gee, I spent my life in OC but I was from Vermont?

	Yep.  Go meditate on an ox.

> Yeah, and you'll never be ABLE to find a job or have a real
> relationship because you won't even fucking ride a bicycle anywhere.
> You're limited to where the cattle cars^W^Wcaltrain goes. Or where
> you can walk to from that web.

	The City is seven miles on a side, Deirdre.  I have walked
just about the whole thing.  I've been through the rest of this area,
and anyplace that public transportation doesn't go usually turns out
to be little more than a parking lot or housing complex.  Hell, some
of the places that transportation DOES go turns out to be like that.

	I didn't criticize your relationships, and I'd ask you to not
comment on mine.  

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