[CrackMonkey] witty c++ text

Mr. Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Fri Feb 18 11:24:36 PST 2000

>>>>> "MM" == Monkey Master <monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org> writes:

    MM> When raising a child, I want to be able to have an
    MM> intellectually rich environment.  Suburbia may be easier on
    MM> the parents, because many of them have already stopped
    MM> exploring their environments and don't care if they live in a
    MM> bleak monotonous landscape.  But children need engagement.

    MM> I wouldn't DREAM of raising children in ANYTHING BUT a
    MM> city.

Amen to that!

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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