[Taocow PBEM] The Broken Mirror of the Past - Chapter I - Where Are We?

BorgOmatic at aol.com BorgOmatic at aol.com
Wed Oct 20 06:05:56 PDT 2004

In a message dated 10/20/04 4:57:01 AM, delthin_x at yahoo.com writes:

> [Rod Black]
> Rod shrugs and says quietly to himself "I guess that
> means they will salvage it, so I better not ask if I
> can have it"
> [/Rod Black]


"Probably not a good idea," Bongo nods in agreement.   "Although if we could 
help get it aboard and help get it functional again, it might be a good way of 
saying thanks.   And if this is truly a Lazlo ship, it might also help 
persuade 'em to let us hitch a ride back to..."

Bongo pauses a moment, as if he's just been blindsided by a thought.   
Looking at Rod with an increduous look he asks, "Wait a minute... did he say this 
was EIGHTY P.A.?????"

He stares off into the mists for a moment or two before an awkward grin 
spreads across his muzzle.   Looking down at Rod he says, "Well, I guess the past 
may be the best place to hide from the Coalition... after all, they can't hunt 
you down BEFORE you've become an outlaw... or in my case, even before you're 

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