[Taocow PBEM] Chapter IX - The King Of The River

Alex Bayne hayden.bayne at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 10:07:28 GMT 2007

> [GM]
> As they walk out on to the street, Alister and Talis see Major  
> Pournelle still
> standing there, and a beautiful Elf come walking out of the weapons  
> store, and
> look at them with some recognition.
> As for Sialillion, she sees the Elf and the bald-headed  
> Technowizard, and
> recognizes them immediately from the King's report.
> Major Pournelle sees them.  "Ah, Lady Sialillion, these are the other
> two members
> of the party; Talas and Alister.  What seems to be the problem, has
> that miserable
> young girl chased you out?  She's not much of a conversationalist,  
> though I'm
> told she's a skilled technowizard."
> [/GM]

Sialillion has a rueful smirk on her face as she exits the shop.  She  
looks up, a bit startled to hear her name called out, and comes to  
attention as Major Pournelle points Talas and Alister out to her (and  
vice versa).   She approaches the two of them with a somewhat blustery  
and officious air.
"Ah, good, I was afraid I might have to track you two down.  I am  
Sialillion, emissary to the king.  Greetings."  She curtseys slightly.

"And hello to you, kindred," she adds to Talas in Elven, with a nod  
and a smile.  Her accent is difficult to place.  It is an odd brogue,  
somewhat rough and suggestive of the working class.  It is certainly  
not the courtly dialect of Elven that her station would suggest, but  
then this is a human kingdom.

"I must speak with your group privately on a matter of utmost  
importance," she continues in American.  "I've already spoken to your  
comrades, and they have agreed to come speak with me as soon as they  
are done," and at this last word a pause and a slight smirk again,  
"shopping."  She chuckles to herself slightly.   It is unclear what  
exactly she finds amusing about the concept.

As an Elf, Talas would also notice straight away that Sia is quite  
young by Elven standards.  Adolescent, really.  In typical Elven  
society, this would be a girl in the midst of her apprenticeships,  
certainly not any kind of royal emissary.  But again, this is a human  

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