[Taocow PBEM] [Ted, Alex and Carlos] Book 3 - Chapter III - Submarine Forward

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 19:45:43 BST 2010

OOC: Adding some more.

>> [Ted]
>> "Same here," the lizard man replies. "We probably ought to get one of
>> the other psychics or mages to help us."
>> [/Ted]
>> [Alex]
>> Alex will ask the dagger, "Is there anything more you can about them?"
>> [/Alex]
> [GM]
> After a minute or so Alex "sees" what the dagger sees.
> From left to right, with the semi-sentient being first:
> The semi-sentient being is of low experience, has no magic, has
> psychic abilities of a high PPE.  There is no possessing entity, and a
> fairly substantial aberration.
> The being in the next chamber is medium level of experience, has
> magic, has no psychic abilities, there is no possessing entity and no
> aberrations.
> The third being is of high experience, has magic, has no psychic
> abilities, there is no possessing entity but there is an aberration.
> The forth being is of high experience, has no magic abilities, has
> psychic abilities of a high PPE.  There is no possessing entity and no
> aberrations.

It's then that the three notice the lights change on the coffins.  Two of
the green lights begin blinking on one of the chambers, one reading
"Wake Sequence 1" and one labeled "Blood Injection".
> [/GM]

Aaron Clausen
mightymartianca at gmail.com

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