Not quite enough for moonbounce.
Today at the Hamfest I finally picked up a handheld transceiver a year
after taking the test. It's a Yaesu VX-2R. I haven't done much
transmitting with it, but I've been playing with the wideband receive.
It's convenient that they have presets for weather radio, marine
radio, and shortwave, but that just makes me wish they had made
presets for TV audio.
Now I need a General
So, for some reason I've been looking at some of the data modes that
they have for amateur radio. It turns out that all of the interesting
modes they have for data are on HF which my license doesn't cover.
Of course, to upgrade my license, I have to learn Morse code, which is
about the only HF mode I have no interest in. They might as well just
get rid of the code requirements, since they now have modes which are
more noise resistant and lower bandwidth than Morse code. About the
only arena where code is still king is equipment simplicity.
I can now begin spectrum hogging!