[free-sklyarov] Adobe Will Talk! July 23 Sklyarov Protest on Hold
Urivan Saaib
saaib at ciberlinux.net
Fri Jul 20 15:12:40 PDT 2001
Hi all,
I've been following the discussion just reading and thinking of a any good
international movement (I'm in Mexico), but the message Will just sent,
its for me totally out of sense of the real problem, which is not Adobe by
itself but we as developers.
I wont like to code something in Mexico, and then be put in Jail just
because some company with big money didn't like it.
btw, planning in join to San Diego next week, so whatever i might help,
just let me know.
> In addition just because Adobe wants to talk doesn't mean that the DOJ is
> going to drop the case. People still need to hear the message "Free
> Sklyarov". Nor does the DMCA suddenly go away just because of a meeting
> taking place with Adobe. I think it (may be) great that Adobe wants to
> talk but Adobe is just a corporation. They can't change US law nor
> do they have an incentive to do so on their own.
> -jr
> * Klepht <klepht at eleutheria.org> [20010720 13:01]:
>> >>>>> "WD" == Will Doherty <wild at eff.org> writes:
>> WD> Congratulations folks! The pressure we all have put on Adobe
>> WD> has resulted in an agreement to meet with representatives from
>> WD> the Electronic Frontier Foundation on this Monday morning,
>> WD> July 23.
>> WD> For that reason, EFF has decided to:
>> Will,
>> We are NOT going to be able to get this kind of momentum behind us
>> again if we pull the plug now. It's just NOT going to happen.
>> So PLEASE be VERY confident that there will be CONCRETE
>> results.
>> Frankly, this is the best of all worlds for Adobe: they get a couple
>> of eggheads to come into the office, they blow smoke up your asses for
>> a couple of hours, and then show you the door.
>> In other words, you're neutralized. Everyone who's pulled in favors to
>> get this event publicized will be unable to make that happen again. I
>> know I will.
>> It seems like a REALLY BAD idea to me, so I hope you have a better
>> feeling about the meeting than I do. If I were you, I'd wait until
>> AFTER Monday to meet with Adobe. But that's just me.
>> ~Klepht
> ----
> Josh Richards <jrichard@{ geekresearch.com, cubicle.net }> [JTR38/JR539-ARIN]
> Geek Research, LLC - San Luis Obispo, CA - <URL:http://www.geekresearch.com/>
> KG6CYK - IP/Unix/telecom/knowledge/coffee/security/crypto/business/geek
Urivan Saaib
CiberNET Mexico
Email: saaib at c-ber.net
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