[free-sklyarov] Breaking the Law?
Kurt Foss
kfoss at planetpdf.com
Sun Jul 29 18:13:38 PDT 2001
At 3:55 PM -0700 7/29/01, Bob Smart wrote:
>I'm not sure who "imported" the program. It's an interesting question, and
>if it lands just one Adobe executive in the next cell over, I'll be
>thrilled...but I won't be holding my breath expecting it to happen that way.
It was not *imported* -- at the time Adobe purchased (to
determine/verify that the program did what it was reportedly able to
do) a copy of ElcomSoft's Advanced eBook Processor, it was being sold
from the US-based server of shareware distributor RegNow. After an
email from Adobe and on the advice of ElcomSoft, RegNow soon
thereafter stopped selling the program. Eventually ElcomSoft moved
its Web site to a Russia-based server presumably to avoid further
cat-and-mouse games of their server suddenly going offline, thus
disrupting sales of its other software products.
rgds ~ Kurt
____________________ Kurt Foss - Editor _______________________
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