[Seth-Trips] HackerDojo movie night: Lain [david@weekly.org: [Friends] MOVIE NIGHTS! This Tuesday & Thursday @ 8pm: LAIN!]

David E. Weekly david at weekly.org
Mon Aug 26 20:10:07 PDT 2002


I not only can believe, but *know* that there have been not-for-profit
colocation providers around. "Collectives" or "co-ops" or what have you.
This is why I don't say "the world's first not-for-profit colo". That would
truly be "DOUBTFUL". But I do believe that we may be the world's first
formal NGO to engage this need. Search on Google for "non-profit colo". I
try to draw a pretty clear distinction between "not-for-profit" (unofficial
collectives, individuals) and "non-profit" (government-recognized charitable
corporations) for this reason.

I'm not pooh-poohing any of the truly excellent work that has been done by
collectives and co-ops. They've done a really fantastic job. What we're
doing is just a little bit different and with a slightly different focus.
That's why we claim the label of distinction, because it is a bit new and
different and we don't see anyone else doing it (yet). We'd be happy to be
wrong and work with the other folks!

Anyhow, enough of that - come to Lain, all, tomorrow night and Thursday,
even if you're a member of the Linux Mafia. =D =)

 David E. Weekly
 Founder & Executive Director
 California Community Colocation Project (an OPG project)
 http://CommunityColo.net/ - the world's first non-profit colo!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Seth David Schoen" <schoen at loyalty.org>
To: <seth-trips at zork.net>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Seth-Trips] HackerDojo movie night: Lain [david at weekly.org:
[Friends] MOVIE NIGHTS! This Tuesday & Thursday @ 8pm: LAIN!]

> David E. Weekly writes:
> > Delighted to have your support, Nick. ;)
> >
> > Hey, if you can point me at another *non-profit* (501(c)3) that focuses
> > doing colocation for individuals and non-profits, I'd be happy to remove
> > that from my .sig. I looked pretty hard and found a number of loose
> > consortia and co-ops, and a number of commercial providers that offered
> > discount colocation to non-profits, but no real pure non-profit colo
> > projects. If they're out there, they're pretty hard to find!
> Just to be clear, there have been several non-profit (not-for-profit)
> colocation providers.  That doesn't mean that they were 501(c)(3)
> organizations, but they were still non-profit.
> There are many non-profit organizations which aren't 501(c)(3).
> --
> Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a
>      http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn
>      http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |
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