[Seth-Trips] Creative Commons Anniversary Party, Sunday [info@evite.com: Creative Commons Anniversary Party]

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Mon Dec 8 17:41:16 PST 2003

Seth David Schoen writes:

> I thought I was going to be out of town, but now I think I'm not.
> Would anyone like to go celebrate the anniversary of Creative Commons?

In case anyone is wondering about the details:

   Where: 111 Minna Street, San Francisco, CA
   When:  Sunday, December 14, 6:00pm to 9:00pm

> (By the way, I'm considering licensing my book under the
> Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons license.)

(I have to write it first, of course.)

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | being programmed by others.
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |     -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
                                       |        464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)

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