Message Of The Day

Mon, 25 Apr 2005

04:09 [zork(~)] cat hhk.txt

Zork is king!

No, advogato shouldn't have all of the nutella news! My Sun Box is now working nicely thanks to eBay (no URL). I located a keyboard replacement. I was actually considering a Happy Hackimg Keyboard but the price for a new keyboard is exorbitant and anyone who buys one loves them so much they don't want to sell them (bastards!). Since I am a VIm addict I would prefer the Lite 2 beastie with the arrow keys but this comes without the Sun option. I thus have a new old Sun keyboard and have ordered a Slot 1 motherbord to fix the other problem. I'll let you know how things work out.

[zork(~)] cal
[zork(~)] tree
[zork(~)] cat README